The Forest for the Trees

The Great Owl sat perched high above, his eyes shifting to and fro, seeing all who dwelt below. He alone was appointed to govern the affairs of all creatures which inhabited his field of perception. It was feeding time and the numerous birds of the land busily gathered their food while the warming, crimson sun edged up over the horizon.

"Look at those delicious worms glistening in the sunlight" said mother Robin. "Let's get some more. They are so delicious and our hatchlings are still hungry. Nobody will know how many we took."

Father Robin was quick to rebuke her. "The Great Owl has decreed that we are allowed only four worms per day in order that there be plenty for the others. You know it has been this way from the beginning."

"That's nonsense." said his eldest. "This decree is unfair to us. Four worms are not enough. Besides, our generation is smarter and bigger than the previous. We deserve more. We need more. The Decree must be changed."

"No, we will not disrupt the status quo. I won't allow it. Not within my family." Father commanded.

But soon this ideology became more prevalent amongst the community.  There was disorder in the forest. The delicate balance designed from the beginning had been disturbed. It began with a few disobedient creatures with noble intentions whose actions went unchecked. Divisions sprung up and like weeds among flowers, they began to chock the life and beauty from this diverse community. A movement began to restore the original intention of the Decree against those who perceived great inequality in the food supply.

A legion of Robins came forward and presented themselves before an army of Robins who stood with the old ways of the Great Owl.

"We are quite displeased with your ignorance in this matter. We have grown great in number and have decided that our allegiance is no longer with you." said their self appointed leader.

The Great Owl listened and grew weary but did not interfere. Those who's allegiance was with the Great Owl responded. "We would be open to sharing any new ideas you have so long as they do not violate the Decree. Those who have prevailed before us have done so because they refused to exchanged the wisdom of the Great Owl for their own."

A response was quickly forthcoming. "Unacceptable. With each passing generation, our multitudes grow larger. Before long even the Great Owl will be struck down from his perch."

Suddenly a great noise echoed in the distance. The great Gathering Tree had fallen. And so it had begun. A new threat was upon them. A devastating threat for which they were woefully unprepared. Caught up in meaningless controversies, divisions and personal agendas, they had let their peripheral defenses collapse which left themselves open to attack.

Unlike previous generations, they're senses had become dulled and there reasoning subjective. They were quite unable to see their own forest for the trees.

