You simply must ignore the following text....I dare say all of it. It's good to ignore things once in a while, so you have been warned. In fact, life would be more enjoyable if certain things were ignored.
Perhaps you the reader, have jumped ahead a bit and observed the numerous paragraphs which lie ahead; you have chosen to explore what the fuss is all about and will expect to be rewarded. Surly you must admit scrolling is kinda fun. gives your fingers a bit of exercise as an added bonus.
Rest assured, if you dig deep you will find something to ignore here. Certainly something boring and meaningless is not worth your time. But having now ventured further into this body of text you can't help but wonder what more there could be to ignore. You simply must forge ahead, for the end is not yet here.
Have you considered that there are those who actually get paid to ignore other people....or at least pretend like they are. Ah, now that's worth a bit of attention, isn't it. Consider if you will, the guards of Buckingham Palace, who stand absolutely still. Yet they are really watching. Or if you prefer, let's examine a great paradox in the practice of ignoring. Politicians of all sorts love attention and do not take kindly to being ignored. Subsequent to being elected they swiftly engage in exercising their ability to ignore everything they previously promised. They were listening....but now they're not.
You the reader have ventured far and learned little. In fact, you have simply been reminded of that which you already know. There will always be something to ignore and someone to do the ignoring.
The gift of attention, now that's nothing to ignore.
Now that the end has come, I fear you must now begin to pay attention. Enjoy!
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