The primary purpose of this blog and my writings is to explore Truth...but there will be some fun interspersed off-topic posts along the way. There are many truths in this world which originate from many religions and/or belief systems. In my opinion, it makes logical sense that they cannot all be true because they all teach different things about god and what His specific nature is. For example the Christian believes in one God and the Hindus believe in 330 million gods, at last count. Obviously these two religions cannot both be true otherwise you would have a schizophrenic god.
Anyone can see clearly that creation itself has an order in design that is so precise it boggles the mind. To most people this certainly demonstrates nothing that was brought about by mere chance or macro evolution. The Bible teaches and logic dictates that God would not reveal himself in a schizophrenic manner but instead he would choose to reveal himself throughout his creation with logic and precise order. Whether or not you choose to believe the Bible is the Truth He chose, I personally believe intellectual honesty dictates that there is only one absolute truth knowable amidst a sea of many false truths. Once this truth is excepted then a discussion of which belief system is true would naturally follow.
But which truth should we believe? For example according to the Bible, God commissioned Moses to write the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. These books warn of the danger of false gods and belief systems that would arise in the midst of God's written and oral word already revealed. In other words there are many Johnny-come-lately religions that have come into existence, invented by man, not God, which have deceived many. Yet today in our present world many people place these belief systems on the same or even higher credibility level than the original Biblical writings. This is a good springboard for my question:
In your opinion, does absolute truth exist and is it knowable and/or attainable? Before you brush this question off as irrelevant, be aware that your children are most likely asking the same very questions or at the very least will be taught the answers automatically as they get into higher education. The answers they receive may not agree with yours if you haven't already planted seeds of your own.
In today's modern society we know that relative truth abounds. It is nearly impossible to find common ground with relative truth proponents since there is no common frame of reference in order to establish any factual basis. I have found that most often they do not with to be confined to a single truth for a variety of reasons, most often pride. I was there once myself, so I can certainly relate.
fun if you dare. Just know that we can agree to disagree agreeably and
maybe we will all learn something in the process.
God bless and thank you for participating.
God bless and thank you for participating.
Author: James
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